CBSC630: Midterm 2

  Write a 3 to 4-page paper where you discuss the uses of Python in hacking. This will require you to find an article on the use of Python in Hacking and explain how the article covers the use of Python in the hacking process.        Build a PowerPoint presentation on the uses … Read more

python programming

  Create a Parent folder with the following name: lastname_Chapter2Exercises Create a Program folder for each program (5, 8 ,12) Complete the Programming Exercises doing both the flowchart and the code in python. When complete, zip the parent folder and submit in the drop box 


  1.Here are various languages, some are better for data visualization than others.  Please review the basics of Python, SAS, R, and SQL.  What are the qualities of each language regarding data visualization (select at least two to compare and contrast)?  What are the pros and cons of each regarding data visualization (select at least … Read more

Write a k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to classify the Iris data-set.

Write a k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to classify the Iris data-set. Write both correct and wrong predictions. Write the best ML library that can be used for this problem. Link for Iris Data-set: Write a two page case study with the below details: Description of attributes of the given data-set. Determine the best feature used … Read more

Python GUI, Tkinter

This is task to create a maze runner game using Tkinter. As I will be running it in auto grader I want the code’s to be as it is said in the a3.pdf following every guideline with Inline comments that all significant blocks of code should have a comment to explain how the logic works, … Read more