Summarize the case study Identify the study method used and why it was appropriate Explore some of the qualitative or quantitative methods gathered. Answer these two additional questions: How would you conduct the study any differently? Given the nature in the advance of technology, how do you foresee technology changing the way studies such as … Read more


  Provide a summary of what the diet entails and how it may/may not work.  Based on the evidence (the articles you read & the diet you reviewed, not someone’s experiences), would this diet be considered healthy? Why or why not (consider macro- and micronutrient intake among other things)?

Assignment 2

Write a 200-300 word reflective response. Pay attention to grammar, spelling and overall writing clarity.  Your written response/reflection should include: What did you learn from this video? How do YOU feel about the issue? What are possible solutions? I realize this is a 2011 video, for more current statistics reflecting world hunger information, consider visiting the … Read more