
 Consider your department or organization’s mission, and the problems you face in the workplace. Identify 2-3 problems you would like to work toward solving. Using the steps outlined on pp. 149-151 in Puccio, Mance, & Murdock, analyze the degree of importance and probability of success for each problem, as well as the “success zone” within which each … Read more

Healthy Sleep, and Brain Health

 After reviewing this week’s readings and media on Stress and Stress Management, take some time to reflect upon the importance of stress management for yourself and your patients. Then, please respond to the following TWO discussion board questions. Remember to include an APA formatted in-text citation AND corresponding reference from a recent (within the last … Read more


  Receptors trigger one of two effector pathways resulting in changes in neuronal activity. These changes will, ultimately, effect gene expression. Which effector pathway is characterized by ion flux through transmitter-activated channels resulting in an altered membrane potential and neuronal activity?


  Choose the correct answer with solution if possible: 1.Consider a woman BD who has liver disease and cannot metabolize the drug as effectively so that the half-life in her is doubled. The half-life of the drug is typically 4 hours in an individual with normal liver function. If BD stopped taking the drug after … Read more