
1.Use Kotter’s Model of Change Management and apply it to Sears. How would you have implemented each stage in this company’s strategic direction? Include enough detail for each step. How would you have applied Kurt Lewin’s Model to Sears? Include enough detail for each stage (ch. 10). (minimum answer requirements: 7 paragraphs of 6+ sentences … Read more


 Reflecting upon the past seven weeks, provide the three most prominent items learned in the course and how you plan on using this knowledge in the future. In your final paragraph address what you felt to be the most helpful in learning the material of this course and also how the course can be improved … Read more


  What clues does your college (university) give about its culture? What are four things you could do today to learn more about an organization you are interested in? Imagine that your good friend is starting a new job next week. What recommendations would you give your friend to help him or her do a … Read more


  Consider your own level of resilience as a leader. Honestly answer the following questions: Resilience is an important personal resource for the change manager (and for managers in general). How have you displayed resilience as a leader? Resilience is a capability that can be developed and improved through training and practice. In what ways … Read more


  What is the connection between leadership and ethics? Do you believe that ethical leaders are more successful in organizations? Have you ever had an authentic leader? What did this person do that made you consider him or her to be authentic? How effective was his or her leadership?


  Even changes that have been implemented successfully can be subject to ‘initiative decay’ and performance gains are lost. Explain how this happens (provide a relevant current example). Change initiatives can decay for many reasons: initiators move on, accountability becomes diffuse, new recruits bring old habits, new managers have their own agendas, other priorities arise. … Read more


  Choose a current issue in your local neighborhood. This exercise gets you to figure out how you would design a large-scale change intervention program in relation to this issue. Give consideration to the following issues: How many people would it make sense to involve? Where and when would you hold it? How would you … Read more

8084 group discussion wk6

 Effective early childhood leaders positively impact their programs by making targeted, data-driven decisions. They become consumers of information, systematically evaluating and acting upon the insights gained through data collection 


  Imagine that you are an employee of a large organization about to go through a restructuring. Think about the following issues: What information would you like? From whom would you prefer to get this information? Why? In what format would you prefer to get it: individually, in a group, other? What would be the … Read more