
In response to your peers, highlight in detail and discuss how these roles impact healthcare within specific industries and how that differs at different organizations. How does this impact the management of information? Share some of the technology that these roles employ to support a specific industry.  Speak in first person

Discussion 9

Choose one of the causality models in Chapter 9 of the textbook and use it to explain the relationships between the risk factors associated with the leading cause of death you selected in Module Four and the outcome (death from that cause). How do Hill’s criteria for causation apply to these relationships? Remember to cite … Read more


When responding to classmates, provide additional critiques on approaches used by public health and medical professionals during the U.S. Ebola cluster investigation.  Please respond in first person Classmates discussion is below


When responding to your classmates, offer additional examples of appropriate uses for incidence and prevalence and explain how the two measures are related.  Please respond to 2 classmates discussion Both classmates discussion is below Please speak in first person to each person.


 Please answer at least 1 of the following: What is Affirmative Action and how does it help POC? Explain the “Rise of the Nationalist Right” and explain how it is OR is not detrimental to society. Discuss “How the Poor Became Black”