discussion 4

The number of individuals choosing to cohabitate is increasing in our society. Do cohabitating couples have more, less or the same level of commitment as married couples? What are some of the issues, including legal challenges, cohabitating couples face in our communities? Discuss which issues are important to you and why they are important to … Read more

Social Work

Building from the Interview, the student will address cognitive and affective reactions to their interview process, with focus on your reflective notes/thoughts/feelings and the fit of social work and personal values. This assignment is a reflective transcript of the interview transcript, which builds upon Week 2’s assignment.  The student should pull a minimum of 3 … Read more

chaper19 discussion

The purpose of these recap discussion boards is to create dialogue and analytical discourse about the material covered in the chapter. In answering the recap discussion questions, you should engage in meaningful discussion with your fellow classmates. Please make sure to pay close attention to the specific due dates for each discussion board. You can … Read more

discussion 3.1

Unit 3.2 DB: The Prevalence of Family Violence Describe incidents of family violence you see present in today’s families. What factors lead to the circumstances of harm inflicted on a child or adult? How do social structures and institutions shape family violence? https://youtu.be/frFEdN7aMh8

Theory Manuscript FINAL

   The theory manuscript should meet the standard of the theory chapter in the thesis or publishable theory manuscript. Each student will write a 10-15 page research report. The paper must include: an introduction to the communication theory being examined (to include a discussion of the author’s investment in the theory) a review of the … Read more

ch14 discussion

due5/13 The purpose of these recap discussion boards is to create dialogue and analytical discourse about the material covered in the chapter. In answering the recap discussion questions, you should engage in meaningful discussion with your fellow classmates. Please make sure to pay close attention to the specific due dates for each discussion board. You … Read more

discussion 2

Unit 2.1 DB: The Evolution of the Family Families have changed over the years. Discuss how and the various household types we find today as compared to past generations. What factors are influencing the increase in the number of single-person households and married couples without children? Add question at the end

Career Trajectory Project (COMM526)

 Career : TV HOST (Communication at Media Studies) ps: I would like to host my own TV Show, talking and promoting black music,films and all black people in Media in General This assignment focuses on becoming more knowledgeable of your industries, current skills and missing skills needed is fields you plan to work in at some point. The … Read more


 ARTICLE 1 The marginalized “model” minority: An empirical examination of the racial triangulation of Asian Americans Xu and Lee argue that with demographic changes in Asian and Hispanic populations in the U.S., a multidimensional racial triangulation theory is a more useful analysis of Asians in the U.S. than the more traditional black–white binary model. Do … Read more

Final Literature Review (COMM 526)

  Construct a 15-20 page literature review that provides an in-depth overview of current literature on the subject/topic for your thesis, master project, practicum area, or specific topic of interest. Write an updated reference page that consist of a minimum of 15-20 sources. Make sure it follows the scholarly principles of an academic paper by … Read more