6336 WK1 Assgn 2

Impact of Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Events on Mental Health When a critical incident occurs, it can feel like an emotional earthquake to the survivor, disrupting his or her overall functioning. In cases of prolonged trauma (e.g., childhood sexual abuse or war), there is no immediate “clean-up” effort, resulting in prolonged exposure to trauma. In … Read more

6336 WK1 Assgn 1

Mental Health Responders for Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Events Critical incident responders come from a variety of fields. Rescue workers (e.g., police, firefighters, emergency medical professionals) are often the first-line responders. However, the helping professionals and volunteers from emergency response organizations are often just behind the first-line responders, allocating resources, assessing situations, and addressing mental … Read more


Question: The divide and rule policy in colonialism and its importance in the construction of democracy to eradicate racism Word limit: 1500 words Need 15 references All details have been attached.

6520 WK11 Assgn 2

Assignment 2: Mid-Term Evaluation and Self-Assessment Prior to your field education experience, you completed an agency learning agreement that outlined potential goals and objectives related to social work practice skills that you sought to acquire during this course. Like a contract, your agency learning agreement also provided your field instructor a set of criteria that … Read more

6520 WK9 Assgn 3

A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are able to clarify the … Read more


How is basic research different from applied research? Use an example of a hypothetical study to illustrate your point.  Discuss and distinguish the three different, nonscientific ways of learning about the world around you (explained in the PowerPoint). Share examples of each from your own experiences and discuss one to two limitations related to learning … Read more


1. Sociology researches social issues through the use of theoretical frameworks. Examine the news and pick a controversial news story about a big current social issue; this could be police brutality, poverty, sexual assault, etc.). Consider what different questions a sociologist researching this topic might ask if they were investigating this issue from a conflict … Read more

6051 WK9 Assgn 2

Assignment: Invisible Disabilities Case Analysis Consider how others react toward a person with a visible disability. Do they stare? Do they move away? Do they invade the person’s space and ask inappropriate questions? Now consider someone with hidden, or invisible, disabilities, those that are not immediately apparent. In the public’s consciousness, disabilities are largely defined … Read more

SOCW 6520 WK8 Assgn 2

Assignment 2: Process Recordings A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are … Read more