KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior. Emblems: gestures that have a direct verbal translation and can stand alone such as the “ok” sign. Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions. Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away, or nodding and leaning … Read more

Informative speech

  *Review the Informative Speech Rubric under Course Documents *Review the Informative Speech Power Point under Course Documents *Review the Delivery Tips Power Point under Course Documents *Review the Speech Requirements Document under Course Documents *Read Chapter 5 (remember the textbook is a great source which provides tools and guidance as you are preparing your … Read more

Application Assignment 1

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS USING THE SOURCES PROVIDED ONLY: 1A. Which of the five areas of language fall under the domain of content?  1B.  How would you describe the language of this child in terms of content? Provide a specific example.  2A.  Which of the five areas fall under form?  2B.  How would you describe … Read more

Communication 110

Submit a written critique of a professional speech delivered by a prominent public speaker you’ve chosen, using the guidelines below. Be sure to include the URL for the speech in your post. Use the name of the speaker or title of the speech as your post title. https://www.americanrhetoric.com/ 

Airpods outline

Speaker: [Your Name] Speech Topic: [Topic] Speech Title: [Title] Speech Type: [Persuasive –or– Informative –or– Special Occasion] Audience Analysis: Knowledge: [What do your listeners know about the topic?] Attitudes: [How does your audience feel about the topic? What can you do to create or reinforce a positive attitude?] Expectations: [Why will your audience be present … Read more

Kim Kardashian Powerpoint

Your speech must be illustrated by a PowerPoint slide deck that meets the following specifications:  Title slide with speech title and speaker’s name. Preview slide showing the main points in the speech. Body slides to illustrate each of the two main points and sub-points. References slide in APA format. No text on body slides; use powerful images instead … Read more


 Discover the company’s mission / vision / values / goals and objectives and provide current strategies/examples on how the organization delivers its commitment to all shareholders.  

Speech Analysis

 https://www.ted.com/talks/julieanna_l_richardson_the_mission_to_safeguard_black_history_in_the_us Provide the NAME &  url for the speech you reviewed here: What is the topic of the speech? What is the speaker’s specific purpose? HIGHLIGHT with background color-Which of the following methods of gaining interest and attention does the speaker use in the introduction?  ¨ Relate the topic to the audience ¨ State the importance of the … Read more