I have a discussion and two responses to classmates that I need to have completed by November 17, 2022

This discussion will cover several questions that need to be answered. It will also require cites to be sourced in MLA format. The link to the book for reading and referencing will be provided. Below gives more guidance on the discussion requirements: Discussion Requirements Complete the background reading before participating in a class discussion; your … Read more

Omnichannel Transformation–Argos and LLamasoft

  In your case study paper, you will address the following questions: Explain how software, technology and equipment has improved the systems for Argos five-year transformation program. Please be explicit in your response Identify two outstanding challenges that remain with respect to customer relationship management for our gross five-year transformation program. Please be explicit in … Read more

Task 3.3: E-commerce logistics

Changing consumer buying patterns and digital platforms are accelerating online consumption, redefining business models across the globe. Last year, A.P. Moller – Maersk (Maersk) has announced the acquisition of Visible Supply Chain Management (Visible SCM), a business-to-consumer (B2C) logistics company focused on B2C parcel delivery and B2C fulfillment services in the US and B2C Europe … Read more

BBA311 – Supply Chain Management – Task 3.3: E-commerce logistics

Main task Task 3.3: E-commerce logistics Assessment type: Written assignment Description: Write a report on e-commerce logistics and the growth of integrated logistics to customers Main task Read carefully the information provided in “Additional Information” at the bottom of this brief. Develop a written report answering to the relevant questions. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Changing consumer buying … Read more

I Need A 20-25 Slide Deck Presentation for Marriott Hotels

I need a 20-25 slide deck presentation with the following requirements: 1. Company Background, Mission & Vision 2. SWOT Analysis 3. Competitive Analysis 4. Strategic Positioning Map 5. 4 Ps (Product, Place, Promotion, Price)  6. Digital Media assessment of Facebook and Twitter Strategic Communication and Engagement 7. Choose 3 out 4 use cases technologies (Blockchain, … Read more