This assignment is due on  FRIDAY (10PM Chicago Time) This is a PowerPoint assignment  Please use the example of the PowerPoint uploaded to complete the PowerPoint I created I have started working on thIS POWERPOINT  but need help to complete it TOPIC; Enhancing teamwork across care provider levels:  The manager of a medical-surgical unit has … Read more

Teamwork: 20 Steps to Success

Throughout your internship, you will likely be working closely with other people in the organization, either as a member of a team or perhaps as an internal consultant. In either case, your capability to communicate and work effectively will be tested. The following exercise will help you become more aware of and practiced with a … Read more

4 – Innovation Plan

Scenario You are the CEO of Tech Log, a small startup technology company. You are beginning the expansion process and are wanting to hire a team. You recognize the team will need to have clear direction on the business mission, vision, and strategy. The strategy component that you think is most important to create and … Read more