Discuss leadership

Part 1 The Rise and Fall of Carly Fiorina Read the following article: Article 5: Johnson, C. The rise and fall of Carly Fiorina. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 15(2), 188-196. Respond to the following questions within your initial response: When Carly Fiorina took over as CEO of Hewlett Packard and pushed financial performance … Read more

School Models

Discuss the following different school models: Project Approach Head Start High Scope Montessori Reggio Emilia Waldorf In your discussion, explain the theoretical foundation of each model, and how each model supports the development of the whole child.  Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly references.  (Also need turn it in report)

Application of nursing theories

   Identify a current research problem related to advanced nursing practice that is of interest to you. Include WHY this is a problem. (Limit response to no more than 3 sentences). Develop a research question to provide information about the research problem. Based on your research question, do you believe it will best be answered … Read more

Nursing theories in nursing practice

 The expanse of nursing theory is wide, covering concepts, models, philosophies, and theories that are considered essential in professional nursing practice. How should theory information be organized in order to provide individual nurses with a foundation for theory-based practice? 

wk5 discussion 1 personality psychology

Discussion: Biological and Evolutionary and Integrative Personality Theories Based on your readings for this Week, access the Personality Theory Matrix and complete the requested information in Column G section for Biological and Evolutionary Theory and Column H section for Integrative Theory. You can use this information to support your Discussion post and response this week.  Note: Continue to populate the Personality Theory Matrix spreadsheet … Read more

PHI Discussion 6(2)

  Summarize the key concepts of each ethical theory discussed in the course.  Defend which theory/theories you feel is the most useful/needed in our contemporary world. Use specific examples and explanation.  Instructions:   Your initial post (approximately 200-250 words) should address each question in the discussion directions and is due by 11:59 PM Central Time on … Read more

Concept Analysis Development

A Beginning Concept Analysis Towards the Development of a Theory of Nursing Practice In this assignment, you will write, no more than four (4) pages about a concept and explaining why you hold it dear to yourself. This is called values clarifications.Perhaps you have gone through self introspection every now and then you might ask … Read more

Nursing Theory Critique

Major Project 3: Nursing Theory Critique – This project is about the analysis and evaluation of one nursing theory from either the grand theories category or middle-range theories category. The guidelines for the analysis and evaluation can be found on page 107, boxes 5.1 to 5.3. Please type and save your work in a word … Read more

Examining Nursing Specialties

 Examining Nursing Specialties You have probably seen one or more of the many inspirational posters about decisions. A visual such as a forked road or a street sign is typically pictured, along with a quote designed to inspire. Decisions are often not so easily inspired. Perhaps you discovered this when choosing a specialty within the … Read more