
Post a response to Prejudice and Pride Documentary of at least 300 words (80%) credit: Give a summary of the movie: who? what? when? where? (20%)  Give your critical and personal reaction to the film. (20%)  Discuss what aspects of 20th century Latin American history are illustrated by the movie? What aspect of current events are illustrated? Back up your … Read more

Watch “Dancing: Dance at Court”

  Watch “Dancing: Dance at Court” After watching the video, answer the following questions in e ssay format.         E ssay must be 250-300 words. Describe the dance form Bugaku. Include music, movement, costuming, and who performs the dance.  How is continuity maintained from generation to generation? What values of decorum (dignity) … Read more

video questions

Questions to consider after watching this video on which you will be asked to post:  1. Why is Van Gogh considered the true forerunner, though not the theoretican, of the “spiritual” in art? Since Van Gogh was the first modern painter to convey his own tormented, inner life without the traditional concern for faithfully representing external reality, … Read more

Watch “New Worlds New Forms”

  After watching the video, answer the following questions in    e s s a y    format. E s s a y   must be 250-300 words. What two different cultural groups are being compared in the film?  Describe some of the movement characteristics of each group. What is cultural fusion?  Give an example of a two … Read more

Video Review

Review the video “The Fifth Discipline in Three Minutes” located in the topic Resources. Peter Senge, author of the book The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization said, “When I look at effort to create change in big companies over the past ten years, I have to say there is enough … Read more

watch short video answer 2 questions

This is due in 10 hours  Watch the short video:   Week 1 video 1 – YouTube  What is the cartoon’s historical argument? Think about the claim that the cartoonist is making about the past. What changed? What caused the change? Who took action? Who was affected by their actions? What evidence does the cartoon use … Read more