wk 6 refl

Read-  While not all nurses will conduct research studies, every nurse will be required to implement evidence-based practice (EBP). Evidence-based practice is an integral approach designed to provide nursing care; it incorporates the best evidence from the literature and the expertise of the clinician coupled with the preferences and values of the patient. The goal … Read more

wk 6 ppt

Topic to discuss-    Early assessment for health-related concerns (i.e. depression in teenagers; suicide prevention for the elderly) Be sure to provide speaker’s notes for all slides except the title and reference slides.  Template to follow attached Create an 9 slide PowerPoint Presentation that includes the following:  Introduction: slide should identify concepts to be addressed and … Read more

wk 5 refl

NP Practice Models-  parallel practice, one sees very little collaboration between healthcare providers. Parallel practice is similar to the concept that nurses readily recognize in toddlers as parallel play. consultative practice. In this type of practice, one scope of practice may be dependent on another and one provider is seen as expert over another. For example, … Read more

wk 5 reply 2

Read- One of the biggest concerns I have about being a provider and prescriber is medication cost and accessibility. I have seen how the lack of affordable care can cause chronic health conditions to reoccur. This mostly occurs at the macro level. It involves drug prices and the availability of a generic or cheaper version … Read more

wk 5 1 reply

READ- How many of you would agree that our health care system is in dire need of major changes and restructuring, in order to better serve our patient populations?  One writer defines system thinking by likening the ripples of a pebble dropped into water to the influence of the actions of just one nurse on … Read more

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) CLINICAL

YOUR CLINICAL  SHOULD  ADDRESS  THE  FOLLOWING  POINTS: Include a title page and reference page.  · Symptoms and Prevalence rates – According to the DSM-5 criteria, what are the typical symptoms seen in the disorder you are researching. NO BULLETING OF SYMPTOMS. Prevalence rates should include sub-cultures of the US such as African American, Asian American, Hispanic American populations as well as rates in 2  countries. … Read more


Questions:  This chapter discusses tensions between ideal culture and real culture in attitudes and practices in society. Things like conventional attractiveness and honesty are often at odds with each other. Can you think of other cases where ideal and real cultures collide in your culture? (Give 5 examples) 2.    What is cultural capital? What, according … Read more