Purpose of study

In a single page, present the statement of the purpose of the study (i.e., by completing the statement, “The purpose of the study is to…”) and then follow up with the relevant research questions. Remember, the Purpose of the Study is to gain information to address the problem introduced in Assignment 1 (Statement of the … Read more

8083 assign 1 mod 3

   Traditionally, observation has been one of the most used types of assessments in early childhood. This has both benefits and limitations. One serious issue with observation is assumption by the observer. This often occurs when there is no clear purpose established before the observation. In other words, a specific purpose for the observation has … Read more


 Assessment is one of your most important tools in the learning environment. Assessments guide instruction, help educators communicate milestones to families and the community, identify specific learning needs, and allow us to evaluate our teaching practices.  


Part 1 – 5% Using the city you have been assigned complete these tasks.  A) Please find 3 excellent restaurants that serve local food close to your top accommodation choice. For each restaurant – the name?  where is it located? how far from your hotel? some menu items? the ambience?  prices? Part 2 – 15% … Read more


Part 1 – Attractions – 5% List and explain 5 top attractions or experiences in and around your assigned city.  What are the very best experiences for your group to enjoy?   This could consist of attractions, things to do, things to see, festivals, etc.  It is something that your tour group could experience. Please describe … Read more


Describe three things you plan to do in your preschool classroom to support new children’s adjustment and the adjustment of their parents, and describe your rationale for these.

E.S.s.AY. and Questions

  After watching the video, answer the following questions in E.S.s.AY.    format. E.S.s.AY.   must be 250-300 words. What are some similarities between the different traditional dances presented in the film? How has Hula been maintained as a functional part of Hawaiian culture as opposed to other traditional art forms? What did you find most interesting about … Read more


1. Do you have any specific strategies to help work with parents if there’s any resistance to your program? How will you deal with pushback from parents? 2. Will there be a need still to hire more specialists, despite your chosen solution? If so, how would you incorporate that into your timeline (i.e. hiring, training, … Read more

Elements of Critical Thinking

Read the articles Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking Combating Fake News in the Digital Age (Links to an external site.) 6 Critical Thinking Skills You Need to Master Now (Links to an external site.) Teaching and Learning in a Post-Truth world: It’s Time for Schools to Upgrade and Reinvest in Media Literacy Lessons (Links to an external site.) … Read more