Development of a Diversity Training Program

Based on the results of your SWOT analysis, a comprehensive Diversity Training Program will be the final product. You are to either (a) Enhance a current diversity training program or (b) Develop a diversity training program. If your organization has a diversity training program then you are to provide information to “enhance” the current program (based on the Weaknesses … Read more

520 Discussion 11/03 (updated

   Curriculum is often set by school districts based on state or national standards; however, teachers are given latitude concerning instructional methods (i.e., implemented curriculum). As an administrator, how would you determine if your teachers are making the best choices for instructional strategies to implement the curriculum and promote student outcomes (i.e., attained curriculum)?   What … Read more

Week #8, and #9

Week #8.  Step 2 reading,  Copy of GenevaGay2002_1_ _1_.pdf  “Preparing for Culturally Responsive Teaching. Geneva Gay 2002”    Week #8.  Step 3 reading,  common_beliefs_descriptions _1_.pdf  (based on common belief #13) Week #9.  Step 3 reading, Anzaldua_Gloria_–_borderlands_la_frontera(1)

Business Administration

  Introduction – Statement of the Problem, Purpose of the Study, Assumptions of the Study, Definition of Terms, Limitations of the Study, and Methodology Research methodology simply refers to the practical “how” of any given piece of research. More specifically, it’s about how a researcher systematically designs a study to ensure valid and reliable results that address the research … Read more

Week 7 Discussion

Research Topic: The Fairness of Standardized Testing in Lower Income Schools Research Question: Do students who come from lower income families score higher or lower on standardized tests? Explain how you will collect either qualitative or quantitative data for your study. Provide a thorough explanation of how you will collect either qualitative or quantitative data … Read more

Chapter 5 reflection

  Taxation Issues Highlight Main Points in Chapter: Explain how taxes equalize resources and services for citizens. Describe how localities determine property tax rates. Define the indicators of good tax. Identify revenue sources  for states in addition to property, income, and sales tax. Describe how you as a school leader can help the community understand … Read more