6301 wk 3 assgn

   Last week, you began searching in the Walden Library for peer-reviewed research articles on your social work topic of interest. What have you found so far? What is missing? Take stock of your search results and consider whether you need to adjust your search terms to expand your results or use limiters or filters … Read more

6301wk3 discussin

   Research resulting in physical or emotional trauma for participants, without informed consent, is undoubtedly an ethical violation. However, other situations are not as clear. One of the reasons for debate about ethical issues is because ethics are opinions informed by people’s values, and people have different values. There may not be one definitive right … Read more

Literary Analysis: Poetry

Analyze the development of similar themes in the poems. In your analysis, consider how the theme is developed through characters, setting, plot, and/or other poetic devices. Your response must be based on ideas and information that can be found in the poems.  

U.S Government

   1.) What does it take to change a voter-led Initiative in Arizona? Why is that significant? -https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_governing_the_initiative_process_in_Arizona (1 Paragraph, 4-5 sentences) Use the Scholarly resource provided above. 2.) What document or process guides Arizona’s government? (1 paragraph, 4-5 sentences) Use 1 scholarly resource. 

dp 2-2

Human beings often speculate as to the causes of others’ behavior. Explain how cognitive and motivational factors can cause people to be biased when making attributions. What are some of the social and individual consequences of the types of attributions they make?


In this third and final submission of your Course Project, you will be completing a comprehensive care plan. This written assignment should include the following: Comprehensive Plan of Care Develop a comprehensive plan of care/treatment with short and long term goals and include safety needs, special considerations regarding personal needs, cultural/spiritual implications, and needed health … Read more

What is AngularJS and Web Application Development

What is Angular? An open-source JavaScript framework called AngularJS enables programmers to build interactive and dynamic web apps. By offering a number of pre-built components and features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, and directives, it streamlines the creation of web applications. Developers can create scalable, maintainable web apps with ease using AngularJS. http://bit.ly/3T6zRje

Practicum Experience Plan (PEP)

  eview your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted last week and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the practicum help you achieve these aims?   Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s … Read more

when to make the leap

Service: Klassik Styles Hair Salon   If you want to grow your business, you’re going to have to bring others on board.  you will be deciding when to hire the first person and who should be hired. Explain  how you will know it is the right time to grow your business and why  adding this … Read more


 Concepts, ideas, opinions, feelings, and other intangible entities are  often labeled as “insubstantial phenomena.”  Select one of the following  3 phenomena that would be considered insubstantial, and explain two  different ways — one qualitative and one quantitative — that you might  measure it:  a) the closeness of undergraduates’ social network friends;  b) the “campus climate” … Read more