week 4 dis 1

  address the following information for assigned Millennium Development Goal: Describe the  assigned Millennium Development Goal Summarize three key measures of the goal Summarize the goal  trends  Describe the associated chart/interactive map for the goal For your home state, summarize any state or local efforts for your assigned goal What standards can you identify for … Read more

week 4 dashboad

  A dashboard displays the most relevant information using visualization techniques and cues to involve the user in information processing.  The purpose of the dashboard is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by identifying key information and displaying the information effectively.  Throughout the course we have explored various healthcare statistics and … Read more

Personality Profile

Is there a pain-prone personality? Research this topic and provide supporting evidence for the position you take. Carefully study Chapter 10 and search for articles in our library. One source you might find interesting is: https://www.practicalpainmanagement.com/treatments/psychological/there-chronic-pain- personality-profile      Is There a Chronic Pain Personality Profile? Organize your thoughts by separating the research into the four areas … Read more


  Several models and components of talent management are presented in Chapter 1 of the Strategy-Driven Talent Management textbook. Using these as a foundation, create your own talent management model ( should be at least 4)   I have included an example model but you must create your own! , including its components and the evaluation … Read more

WK 8 Case Study

Ann McConnell is chief information officer (CIO) at Jackson Spice Ingredients (JSI), a large Maryland spice and food ingredient company. In an industry that has a large national market presence, yet is global in its need for raw materials, JSI is always looking for ways to increase productivity and speed things up while staying connected … Read more


Post by Day 3 a cohesive and scholarly response, based on and supported by your required readings, media, and research this week, that addresses the following: Discuss the historical context of HR analytics. Identify three current trends within HR analytics today. Explain the impact of these three trends could have on organizational effectiveness and strategic … Read more


respond to the following student’s response.  Extend your peers’ responses with additional examples about what motivates scientists to pursue research. What ideas did your peers present that you had not considered before?  Sarah post I think that as a whole, scientists are driven by curiosity and a desire to improve upon what we currently have, … Read more

Efficiency & Cost of Production DB3

  Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas: Additional Information: Because the decision about relocating manufacturing operations … Read more