
This assignment is based on a fictional and hypothetical case. Below is a summary of the circumstances regarding the discovery of a female decedent’s body. Use the information provided below to answer the questions at the end of the summary. Note: The correct use of contemporary scientific terminology and forensic applications will result in higher … Read more

Respond to William Nutt post

American Indian reservations are experiencing an increase in the amount of crimes in their communities. One of the major reasons why is the lack of manpower in their police forces. In major U.S. cities, there is at least a 3.9 ratio of officers per thousand residents, and on the reservations only a few “departments in … Read more

police officer

  You are the first officer at the scene of an outdoor assault.  You find the victim bleeding but conscious, with two of the victim’s friends and several onlookers standing nearby.  You call for backup and quickly glance around but see no one fleeing the scene.  Describe the steps you would take while you wait … Read more

assesment module 1 intro

  In the case study of CARL COPPOLINO’S Florida murder trial , what legal issue was raised on appeal by the defense in Carl Coppolino’s Florida murder trial?  What court ruling is most relevant to the decision to reject the appeal?  Explain your answer. Be sure to use proper paragraphing, grammar, citations and reference list. *** ASSIGNMENT … Read more

Article Summary Option #1

 Students should choose one topic covered up to that point in the course and prepare a one-page (double-spaced) summary of an empirical study on the topic. For example, students could write a summary on an article examining juvenile race and relations with the police. Summaries should include a brief description of the topic area, the … Read more

IQ tested before kindergarten

Do you believe babies/young children’s IQ should be tested before starting kindergarten? Explain. Based on the results of the IQ testing, would it be fair to place some young children in more advanced or remedial classes based on the results? Why or why not?  Do you believe such testing might result in disparate treatment or … Read more

What your prosecutor doesn’t know could hurt you.

 In the article this week “What your prosecutor doesn’t know could hurt you…”, Chief Shults mentions a case that was lost because the officer did not put the statute in the report and assumed the prosecutor knew about it.  In the prosecutors defense (still should have known), the statute pertained to college campus encounters versus … Read more

Criminal Letter Appeal

A mother was denied reimbursement for the expenses of her sons burial and funeral cost. The state said they would help her, but when they found out he spent time in prison an was a felon. The changed their mind and said do to him being in prison before they can’t help. She needs to write … Read more

discussion post

  Conduct an internet search for a juvenile program in your city or state that provides an alternative to incarceration. Read about the program and then present to your colleagues your reasons how or why the program might reduce recidivism, more effectively than incarcerating juvenile offenders. Ensure you provide a link to your selected program, so … Read more