Instructions: Conduct an assessment on the body system listed below: Skin  You may conduct the assessment on a fellow student, friend, or family member. Remember to document their permission. Collect both subjective and objective data using the process described in your textbook. See Rubric for scoring details. Answer the following 3 questions in a detailed, thorough summary. Do … Read more

Public Health calculation

1. An epidemiologist wants to know the incidence of a new respiratory disease in Antigua, Guatemala over the month of January. The population of Antigua is 47,000. At the start of the month, 300 people have the disease. 700 have already had it and are immune. What is the total population at risk for the … Read more

Public Health

Instructions Watch the following video, Sick Around the World, and answer the questions in the accompanying Word document. Important to note: Please be thorough in your answers. For #6, make sure that you answer ALL questions. In addition, evaluate the US against two other countries in terms of cost, equity and access (meaning: compare the US to … Read more

500 Word Statement

For a year of research and education about cardiology and cardiovascular disease, write an appealing 500-word statement of interest on how this program will help you to move forward in your goals for the future as a pre-medical student.

Public health

Please visit the following American Public Health Association Website: Watch the video on the homepage and check out some links on the website. Explore the fact sheet, and some of the links under Gun Violence Prevention. Watch the short videos on the right side of the site (they’re between 1 and 6 minutes each). … Read more


  This minerals table is designed to help you organize important information about the minerals we cover in class. As you go through the next couple of lecture on minerals, you can fill in the information on the table:  Major functions – look for the words or phrases in bold type in the lecture NOTE: … Read more

NFT game development services from leading blockchain and game developers

Blockchain game development company Blockchain games are applications that have built-in Blockchain transactions. The gaming industry turned to this technology so that people could earn money on gaming with withdrawals. The technology has great potential in the gaming industry. Once the game exists on a centralized server, the developers can abandon or close the project … Read more


  Problem 1: Hint: I highly recommend that you study an example of descriptive statistics in STATA that has been posted under “week 1” For this problem, use the following variables from the “Random Sample Residents” data file to answer the questions below: Chain2: This variable indicates whether the assisted living facility is part of … Read more

world geography

Make sure to do this assignment AFTER listening to the South Asia PowerPoint lecture. Despite the fact that Kashmir and Jammu are disputed territories between Pakistan and India (which causes conflicts), apparently there is a tourism industry in these places. Do some research and watch video on the tourism industry of these places. How are … Read more