Process Recording

 This learning tool requires the student to critique an interview with a client by identifying and analyzing thoughts and emotional reactions/responses to the encounter with the client. Social work values and standards are applied as a guideline for this analysis.   

Field Log

  The field log provides a concrete means for the student to: Account for professional activity in the field placement Demonstrate professional development related to contracted learning experiences and the traditional-year competencies Reflect on professional growth and development Provide information that facilitates dialogue between the student and Field Supervisor Document for the Field Supervisor, concerns, … Read more


   Philosophy If possible, use as source Author: Lewis Vaughn According to Baggini, how is God’s      creating us for his purposes supposed to denigrate human life? Do you agree?

Ethical Dilemma Leader Interview

   An ethical dilemma is common for leaders. It involves a challenge or decision that has two sides of a decision – both can seem right, depending on the perspective. The purpose of this assignment is to learn how a Leader has solved an ethical dilemma within the course of their experiences. 


    Singer or Arthur CBC News- The Church service aid agency is warning that” Immediate massive intervention and assistance” are needed to prevent mass starvation in Kenya. A team from the humanitarian agency reported recently that many fields are barren and cracked, dried out by the drought that is threatening a third of the … Read more

Virtual Tour

A fully detailed description of the space (design elements, architectural elements, floor plan, layout, etc.) -A fully detailed description of the logical pathway through the space (hallways, queues, restricted areas, crowd flow, etc.) -An analysis of the intent or the space (what is it trying to communicate to you, how well is it doing that, … Read more

Compare and Contrast

Compare and contrast the social constructivist perspective and the material feminist perspective on the body.   Compare the cartesian model of the body and the cyborg feminist perspective on the body.