Written response 7

  Instructions Please read each section of the assignment carefully and answer in full sentences using proper grammar. Be sure to completely document any sources used within the assignment. After reading the text and watching the video answer the following questions: View Video Native American Code Talkers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Po9vUB0vV74 How did the participation of Native Americans … Read more

Boarding School

 While utilizing the two quotes below, describe and evaluate the Indian Boarding Schools system and relate them to the information found in chapter 11 (p. 365-381) of First Americans. (Reading for Module 6 in addition to any additional reading, lecture and/or film material provided by the instructor.) The following quotes are from Henry Ward Beecher … Read more

Week six response

Please read each section of the assignment carefully and answer in full sentences using proper grammar. Be sure to completely document any sources used within the assignment. Part 1: After watching the Video: “The Tragedy of Wounded Knee (The Ghost Dance)” (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2s12ty  ) answer the following questions: Why was the Sioux Ghost Dance considered to … Read more

Peer response 125 words minimum

Respond to  classmate. Do you agree with your classmate’s perspective? Why or why not? Be specific. What is the most convincing part of your classmate’s post? Why?Criteria: 150 words minimum for each post (excluding quotations and citations) Include at least one paraphrased quote from in each response to a classmate to support your ideas. classmate’s … Read more

Confidence reflected in characters of fiction and non fiction

 You learned the definition of the American Dream in Week 1, and you also learned about the American identity. Traits often associated with the American identity include boldness, confidence, perseverance, and integrity. These traits are often demonstrated through a character’s words or actions. This week, we’ll focus on confidence and how it is reflected in … Read more

Response week 5

  Please read each section of the assignment carefully and answer in full sentences using proper grammar. Be sure to completely document any sources used within the assignment. The assignment for this module contains three parts. Carefully read the instructions and place your responses to all three parts on one Word document. Part 1: After … Read more

American history

Is this imperialism?   Please view the following resources: Crash Course U.S. History- Imperialism Video NPR- Fresh Air interview with Daniel Immerwahr Examine the following historical events. Select three events and argue whether or not these qualify as imperialism?  Louisiana Purchase  Seminole Wars Annexation of Texas Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Purchase of Alaska Spanish-American War Foraker Act The … Read more