MD4 dis2

To prepare: • Review your Module 4 Discussion 1 scenario, the data associated with your scenario, and the resulting dialogue in the Discussion forum. • Review the assigned Fullan (2016) chapters for this module as well as chapters from previous modules. Reflect on the various strategies Fullan presents for addressing educational change. How might those … Read more

MD4 dis1

For this Discussion, you will use data to develop a specialization-specific scenario representing a need for change in your educational or community setting. (BASED ON Early Childhood Education) Note: You will develop the scenario in this Discussion for your colleagues to respond to and address the scenario from your perspective in Module 4 Discussion 2.

professional success

 Career development is a lifelong process in which we become aware of, interested in, knowledgeable about, and skilled in a career. In this Discussion Board, you are asked to share information about your current work life and what your career goal is upon earning your degree.After reviewing the  Career Development Stages Table Career Development Stages … Read more

institutional correction 2

  Research wrongful convictions in the United States as proven by DNA evidence. Discuss whether or not those wrongfully convicted should or should not be compensated. Explain why or why not. Support your opinion.

Week 2 Assignment: Parallel Programming jan 8

Question 1 How does parallel processing work in computer architecture? Question 2 What does Amdahl’s law state? What is Amdahl’s law and why it is used? Question 3 What are the applications of parallel processing in computer architecture? Question 4 What are the challenges in parallel processing in computer architecture? Question 5 Identify reasons for and … Read more

MD4 dis2

To prepare: • Review your Module 4 Discussion 1 scenario, the data associated with your scenario, and the resulting dialogue in the Discussion forum. • Review the assigned Fullan (2016) chapters for this module as well as chapters from previous modules. Reflect on the various strategies Fullan presents for addressing educational change. How might those … Read more

MD4 Assignment

For this Discussion, you will use data to develop a specialization-specific scenario representing a need for change in your educational or community setting. (BASED ON Early Childhood Education) Note: You will develop the scenario in this Discussion for your colleagues to respond to and address the scenario from your perspective in Module 4 Discussion 2.

discussion assignment

In this first week’s discussion, please introduce yourself to the class and include your responses to the following questions: What do you expect from taking this course? What fascinates you about computer architecture? Which programming languages you are familiar with ? Do you have any project or research idea/interest in mind ?

How do you choose your laundry detergent?

            How do you choose your laundry detergent? – What criteria do you use to select the detergent? – What information do you need to make a purchase? – How do you know the product meets the criteria? – How does this apply to nursing research? 

MD3 Assignment

• Read the Giancola (2015) and Peurach, Glazer, & Winchell Lenhoff (2016) articles. Reflect on the purposes and various approaches of program evaluations and those elements that are inherent in any program evaluation. Reminder: The Giancola (2015) resource will serve as an essential guide for the completion of your Course Project. Be sure to read … Read more