Wk 1, ACC 543: DR 1

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Dr. Bill Berry 7/26/22, 11:09 AM One Set of Ratios-Liquidity Hi All, When we look at liquidity, we evaluate how quickly an organization can turn receivables and inventories into cash to pay accounts payable and accrued … Read more

Wk 1, ACC 543: DQ

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following: Describe the 3 main categories of ratios and provide a specific example of a ratio that is used in each category. For each of the 3 ratios you selected, describe how it is used in managerial decision-making.

Aggregate for Cultural-Specific Group

After studying Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Hyde Pfiefer, a retired 70-year-old German American, has lived in the United States for the last 50 years. A widower of 5 years, Mr. Pfiefer prepares his own meals following his wife’s recipes from the old country. Nine months ago, Mr. Pfiefer was told … Read more

APA , Nursing

Identify the solution that you determined would be most effective in resolving the stated problem and define the intended outcomes of implementing the change (e.g., your improvement goal). For quality to improve, a change must occur. That change must be quantifiable and measurable. Make an implementation plan in which explain how you will measure the … Read more

crimes 5 .1

 What is the Eighth Amendment to the US Constitution and in your opinion does the application of the death penalty violate it? Explain the amendment and the factors you believe that support your position. 

Digital Forensic 5

 From corporate America to the local town’s little league, we rely on digital networks to communicate, store information, and conduct transactions. Securing these networks is critical to prevent cyber-attacks and thwart any criminal activity. Network Security encompasses a multitude of techniques and methodologies. For this unit’s discussion, we want to explore packet sniffers. Define what … Read more


Topic: The importance of re positioning a hospice patient every 2 hrs Introduction: Complete background information on the importance of turning hospice patients every 2 hrs, Assessment – Define the issue. Why is this a clinical problem? What are the risk factors? Current statistics rate in the US. Why the topic interests you? What are … Read more

Graduate Internship Preparation assignment 7

Watch the following videos:  Here is a series YouTube videos on using LinkedIn for your job search:  Chapter 1: Setting up an Account https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFYlPDRZJDY&t=17s  Chapter 2: Creating a Profile—that stands out! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDOvkcP_XmM  Chapter 3: Connections/Recommendations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-dI1OUoBK0  Chapter 4: Joining/following companies and groups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVwWSCwntgU&t=19s  After watching these videos, analyze and explain what skills and knowledge you … Read more

Week 4 theory

You are to select one (1) theory discussed in the course thus far. The Theory Critique Assignment will consist of at least 1,500 words (excluding title page, references, figures, illustrations, or other extraneous elements outside the main body of the paper). Students will format their paper using 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and double … Read more