Art help

on an art movement from an era/movement in history. Choose two artworks from the movement/era. describe the era/movement and description of the artists and their works. the description should include information on the lives of the artists, their artistic views, styles, symbolism, and the processes and materials they used. Were the artworks commissioned, owned by … Read more

green contract

 GREEN CONTRACT 1. In your group, you will brainstorm and collectively agree on a minimum of (3) green living actions for the following categories: a. At Home, Ex. Turn off water while brushing teeth b. At Work or School, Ex. Start a recycling Program at work c. Socially, Ex. Carpool to meet for coffee, instead … Read more

Technology and printing

You will research the different types of printing techniques to do a graphic design project. Your research must have at least (3) types of printing. For each technique, you will need to show: Technique description One example When (or where) this technique is most used for Summarize your thoughts about the selected techniques and why … Read more

Unit 7 Art

Instructions For this assignment, select five objects from your home that have graphic design elements on them. For example, you could select five food products, five consumer product packages, or five articles of clothing with different branding on them. Take a photograph of the five objects and answer the following questions. Please write in complete … Read more

Unit 6 Art

Instructions This assignment includes one photograph or one video. Please respond to one of the options below: Option 1: Photography For this option, select a current news article from AP News (you may use their website or an article from the World News section of your newspaper) that contains at least one photograph that is … Read more

Unit 6 Journal Art

Instructions What photograph taken during a world event sticks out in your mind? Upload it and explain your memory of the event and photograph. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary. 

discussion 4

  In this longer discussion forum, create an initial post of 450-500 words that explores these key concepts;  Address the following questions using examples to support your points: How does knowing about this broad and rich definition of space and gender impact on your understanding of Italian Renaissance Art in Florence during the fifteenth century? … Read more


  Instructions Course Project, Part 1: We have covered almost 150 years of American literature and American Civil Rights. For this project you have the freedom to explore any writer or time period/movement that we have covered in this class. I encourage you to revisit your journals for ideas. The topic must be focused with … Read more

i need help

  Instructions Final Course Project: We have covered almost 150 years of American literature and American Civil Rights. For this project you have the freedom to explore any writer or time period/movement covered in this class. I encourage you to revisit your journals for ideas. The topic must be focused with a specific thesis.The topic … Read more


Why is there differing opinions about the role of museums in society?  What arguments have been made about museums and the public?  Which argument do you agree with, any why?   How do you understand the role of a museum has changed with time?  What do you see as the purpose of a museum in today’s world?