Discussion and reply to student

  Your project sponsor and customer informed you that you have  to deliver your project 15% sooner than anticipated. When you break the  news to your team, they are not happy with the decision because they are  concerned the project will now fail. Using the information you learned  from readings, what can you do as a leader … Read more


 Make sure to read the instructions below, the assignment template, and the rubric for Week 8 Assignment: Development Plan for Two Skills.To submit your assignment, please go to Week 8 Assignment in Blackboard by clicking the Week 8 Assignment link above. INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1: Complete the Week 8 Assignment Template – Development Plan for Two Skills.STEP 2: … Read more


  This week you’re learning some of the characteristics that will help you practice your relationship-building skill (trust, mutual respect, mindfulness, diversity and inclusion, and open communication).  Choose at least one characteristic Discuss how you are applying your chosen characteristic(s) in your life right now at home, work, or school.

The report Requires at least 2200 words I need correct and unique answers ASAP!? Free plagiarism, I need at least 4 Academic references in APA style (is important to write the references in APA style) Require checking for plagiarism in TURINIT

  The report Requires at least 2200 words  I need correct and unique answers ASAP!?   Free plagiarism, I need at least 4 Academic references in APA style (is important to write the references in APA style)  Require checking for plagiarism in TURINIT


 • What has been the primary impetus behind changes in healthcare in recent years? Describe the most prominent challenge(s) facing healthcare employers, with regard to human resources. How does HR need to contribute to the need for managing costs in healthcare organizations? • Explain how HR is impacted by diversity? Describe how the need for more … Read more

Week 7 Discussion – Resource Management

  Please respond to the following: Select a goods-producing organization and a service-providing organization of your choice. Suggest ways each organization can make aggregate planning decisions using the variables described in Exhibit 13.3 in the textbook, OM. Compare and contrast the operational and managerial impacts of the aggregate planning decisions in terms of customer satisfaction.

Week 7 Discussion – Workplace Diversity

  Diversity in the work environment promotes acceptance, respect, and teamwork despite differences in race, age, gender, language, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, communication styles, thought, and other differences. Discuss the following:  What is the diversity stance of the company you selected from the Approved Company List?   If you were starting a business that required you to hire new personnel, what diversity elements … Read more


1. Please use your won words to write 240 words to answer Discussion Question ( SEE ATTACHMENT) (USE AT LEAST 1 APA FORMAT REFERENCE) 2. Please use your won words to reply 80 words to a classmate answer ( I will post later) 3.Please use your won words to write 3 pages to answer PA2 … Read more


  written assignment in which I allow you the opportunity to write a paper (5-7 pages) or a powerpoint (12-16 slides) over a chapter or theory of your choice. This is your opportunity to show what you have learned. -Format and cite using APA style. -Title and references pages do not count toward required page … Read more

Public speaking

  Directions Review the video of the persuasive speech that you delivered in Unit 3 as well as the feedback that you have received. Take notes as you review the video and the feedback, considering edits that you should make to your speech. Based on your notes, revise your speech, adjusting the content, language, and … Read more