For this project, you will leverage your research from Projects #1, #2, and #3 to develop a privacy compliance strategy for your chosen company. The deliverable for this project will be a Privacy Compliance Strategy that includes a legal and regulatory analysis for privacy laws and regulations. The scope for this project will be … Read more

Ethical Principles of Research

Create a power point presentation that you will be presenting to your site staff addressing an ethical issue that occurred or took place at your site.  TOPIC – Ethical Principles of Research  choose one of the topics below and follow the instructions provided: Autonomy Respect Beneficence Exploitation Fair Subject Selection Informed Consent

Regulatory and Compliance within the Health Care Industry

  Write a response to one (or all if you wish) for the following discussion questions: 1 Whether you have experience with regulatory compliance in your daily job duties. 2 Regulatory compliance trainings or professional developments you have attended. 3 The importance of regulatory compliance in your current workplace 4 Is government regulation necessary to the effective delivery … Read more

Business Finance – Management HCP516 week 3: Signature Assignment: Compliance Risk Assessment

risk assessment in which you: Explain risk areas that are relevant to any organization. Include possible differences between various health care organizations. Explain how the monitoring and auditing are related to these assessments. Explain what the organization should do with the information it gathers from the auditing and monitoring activities. Cite 3 reputable references to … Read more

Legal Reg, Compliance, Invest. IT

By Wednesday’s end, research and discuss a company’s trademark that has been awarded protection by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. You may select the company that you work for, or a company you aspire to work for. You’re welcome to select one simply from a company you admire or that intrigues you in any … Read more

roles and responsibilities

Now that you’ve chosen two compliance plans, you can better understand the role of Compliance Officer and similar positions. You are developing two compliance plans in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer. To help you understand the concept of compliance, use the Internet … Read more

Compliance Plan

The first step of in completing your course project is to choose two compliance plans from the list of compliance violation areas below. Clinical staff members are not washing their hands between patients. Employee attacks patients while under the influences of narcotics. Nurse charges for Diabetes Management Education as a Physician Visit. Medical staff members … Read more

Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least five sentences. Provide a citation for each answer.

1. Describe Digital Literacy (how to know what is real on the web).  2. None of these people exist. What does this mean to you? 3. Why is Wikipedia more reliable than a paper encyclopedia? 4. How useful are crowdsources answers? 5. What are some drawbacks to crowd-sourced answers? 6. Do people generally utilize the diversity of sources on … Read more

Q1 Post 1

 Explain the role of accreditation in mitigating risk compliance issues.  Provide an example of a health care organization that was placed on probation by its accrediting body or by CMS within the last 3 years for a risk compliance issue. What caused the probation or loss of accreditation and how could it have been prevented? 


Links to the website article  1. 2. 3.  Are fines enough? As dramatic as the $3 billion fine appears for GlaxoSmithKline, there are some who believe it was not enough. There are those who advocate making the consequences of misconduct harsh leading to possible jail time and that the GSK executives should have … Read more