SOCI210 DB12

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION USING THE LINKS BELOW IN AT LEAST 150 WRDS, CITE REFERENCES IF APPLICABLE: Could we prevent family violence by licensing parents? Chapter 12 Family Violence and Abuse Would society be better or worse if people had to be licensed to have children? This points to how people can ruin children … Read more

soci210 db11

ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION USING THE LINKS BELOW IN AT LEAST 150 WRDS, CITE REFERENCES IF APPLICABLE: –How do you maintain work-life balance? Is finding this balance possible? What are the benefits to the family of working more? Less? Explain the point of this video. If you cannot see the video, discuss how important … Read more

chapter 5 questions

 Answer the following questions based on: Chapter 5 PowerPoint, PowerPoint lecture, reading Chapter 5 in the textbook.  Please type the question and then the response. It should be clear from your answers that you have reviewed the assigned material for this module. Questions for Review and Discussion-chapter 5  In one paragraph tell me about chapter 5 … Read more


 ***PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE SUBMITTING A BID!!***  Overview For this Performance Task, you will write a task force report,  outlining strategies for a preschool to improve specific areas of family  and community engagement. ***USE TEMPLATE TO COMPLETE THIS TASK!!*** Instructions Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the … Read more

Family values assignment

The textbook notes the following:  “Families pass learned behaviors and experiences, or cultural heritage, from generation to generation (Johnson, 1998). Drawing from the worldview framework introduced in Chapter One, the values held by cultural groups are expressed in unique patterns through the formation and perpetuation of family units. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck (1961) propose that the … Read more

Families in Transition and Crisis

  Create a digital of 15-20 slides that would be used in a teacher in-service about families in crisis, in transition, and in abusive/neglectful situations.  include the following: At least 8-10 situations educators might encounter with students and their families, and possible ways to respond to those situations both in and out of the classroom. … Read more

Analyzing Real-World Scenarios

  An effective way to learn to  facilitate an anti-bias learning community and foster a climate of  fairness is through the analysis of real-world scenarios. By looking  closely at situations that could actually happen in an early childhood  setting and evaluating what actions you might take in these types of  situations, you have the opportunity … Read more

Addressing Biased Behavior about Culture, Language, and Economic Class

Consider analyzing specific ways in which to respond to and intervene with young  children when they exhibit prejudice, misconceptions, fear, and/or  rejection of differences with respect to culture, language, and economic  class. You will develop an action plan that sets up opportunities for  children to learn to understand, respect, and embrace differences and  act/interact in … Read more


  It is essential for mental health workers to understand the influence of external factors on family dynamics. This two-part assignment will help you learn this concept. Please complete both parts on the attachment, “Sociological Influences,” to adequately complete this assignment. Part 1: Complete the chart on the provided attachment, citing two to four scholarly … Read more