Ethics W2 Discuss 2

  Psychological egoism says that people act in their own self-interest even when it appears they are not, while ethical egoism says that people should act in their own self-interest and doing so is morally right.  For this discussion:  1. Explain something that you did (go on a mission trip, volunteer at a shelter) or something that … Read more

Ethics W2 Discuss 1

  Your initial discussion post should be a minimum of 300 words and should demonstrate an understanding of the material and display an original answer that includes well-reasoned analysis.  After following the link, if the segment does not automatically play, click the play button in the upper right corner.  1. The segment begins with … Read more

week 8 final project

   Notes MNC (Multinational Corporation) I have chosen Toyota Home Country: Japan  Host Country: USA USED PPTX TEMPLATES  1. Please read all the criteria 2. From week 1 to week 8, MNCs work was added 3. Include appropriate usage of video clips, (Interviews with CEO, etc.) 4. Data, charts, graphs, and photography


 Purpose of Writing Assignment Throughout English Composition II, you will explore, research, and create arguments about an issue of your choosing. The primary goal is to highlight a problem that is observable and definable. Requirements The work should include the following: • MLA Format • 1 ½ to 2 pages (double spaced), not including the … Read more


Please answer below in 650 word limit in APA format   1. Review the three articles about Inflation that are found below this.  2. Locate two JOURNAL articles which discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are not expected to fully understand the … Read more

RR Sociology

300 WORDS MINIMUM  Your name – including any nickname – What would you like us to call you?  And if we might have trouble pronouncing your name, could you give a phonetic spelling of it too? -Your major or concentration or area of study, if any -Your race/ethnicity/ancestry: With which race or races do you … Read more

Intro ethics W1 Journal

  Your answers should be a minimum of three well-developed paragraphs (min 6-8 sentences each). Compose your answer in a document and attach it in as Word or PDF file. You should use MLA format (heading, spacing, font size, etc.). See the Resources section for MLA help.  Option 1. Video Game Explain a video game you … Read more

Intro ethics

  250 words.  1. Introduce yourselves to your classmates. Give your name and any other information you wish to share, such as major, where you live, why you are taking this class, etc.  2. Tell whether you have ever taken an online class before. If you have not, what are your expectations? If you have, … Read more


Does the facility have an intranet and what is its purpose? How extensively have you performed electronic documentation? What are the best and most frustrating features about its use? Differentiate between computer and information literacy Locate and analyze at least one online continuing education offering write this in 200 words .APA format 7 edition. need … Read more

Jaba programming

Ship, CruiseShip, CargoShip Classes, and Displayable Interface Design an abstract Ship class that has the following members: • A field for the name of the ship (a string).• A field for the year that the ship was built (a string). • A constructor and appropriate accessor and mutators.• A toString method that displays the ships … Read more