• MLA Format • 4-5 pages (double spaced), not including the Works Cited page • In-text citations in the body of the • Works Cited page with your credible sources • Minimum of 4 sources
• MLA Format • 4-5 pages (double spaced), not including the Works Cited page • In-text citations in the body of the • Works Cited page with your credible sources • Minimum of 4 sources
3 pages. Link to textbook included below and pages and topics included below 1. Overview: In your own words, explain what you learned this week from the textbook readings or from the course assignments (discussion, reading journals, etc.). If someone asked you what you studied this week, what could you tell that person? 2. Vocabulary: List … Read more
Please click the link below to view a short video about microbes. After watching the video, what is your response to the speaker’s message? How do you think antibiotic use and excessive cleanliness have affected us? As a reminder, your response should be yours i.e. do not copy/paste & do not type what you find in … Read more
Last week, you began journaling over the reading assignments. This week you will continue journaling. Challenge yourself by adding an extra element this week, Create and upload a Word document Choose at least two philosophers from this week’s readings and take notes on the readings. You must have at least 3 pages of words. Augustine … Read more
You are reading Augustine, Anselm, Aquinas, et al. this week. There is no bigger journey outside of ourselves than the search for something to believe in. Do some inward contemplation and questioning of what you believe (I won’t tell your grandma!). The purpose of this discussion is to share and not to convert. Be kind to … Read more
I need a write-up of a Classical Argumentative topic on; ” Should Schools Have Armed Guards?” It should be written following a possible modified outline document attached below. It should comprise of 7-8 logical and concise paragraphs of about 5 pages and works cited page. I need it in 13 hours.
As we continue our discussion on VPNs, and like our advanced discussion on firewalls, now a business owner comes to you and says they want to install VPN technology at their 5 sites. That’s it and that’s all they tell you. Play the role of the consultant – what are your next steps, what questions … Read more
In preparation for this discussion, review the following resources: Understand the Role of Social Media in Marketing The Developing Role of Social Media in the Modern Business World Seth Godin: How to Get Your Ideas to Spread Video Discuss how you see social media playing a role in marketing in the fashion industry. Illustrate one … Read more
I need an Annotated Bibliography for the following topic; ” Which is better: Traditional or Online education?” It should have 5 sources with the details on the attached document, I will need the work done withing 10 hours.
This assignment requires you effectively demonstrate core competencies of critical thinking, communication, social responsibility, and personal responsibility within the context of civic engagement in the U.S. political process.