discussion boarddd

Questions: How does the nature of management change according to one’s level and function in the organization? Discuss the role of management in the larger societal context. What do you think the managers of the future will be like? Identify what you think are the critical issues facing contemporary management. Explain. book chapter 1: https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/1-1-what-do-managers-do?query=nature%20of%20management&target=%7B%22type%22%3A%22search%22%2C%22index%22%3A0%7D#fs-idm256760480


There are three financial statements that are prepared regardless of the business structure (nonprofit, private; nonprofit, public; for-profit, private; or for-profit, public): Balance sheet. Income statement. Statement of cash flows. These statements are used by health services managers to assess how well the leadership team is doing in managing assets, properly leveraging debt and equity, … Read more

Discussion 2

This discussion has 2 parts: What is your opinion on the insider trading debate? In other words, should insider trading be illegal or legal? Offer your view on this statement based on your readings, life experiences, and ethics. See Assigned Readings “Related to insider trading” Do you think financial markets, such as the stock market, … Read more

Discussion Board last

1. How can barriers to effective communication be overcome by managers? Chapter 16: https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/16-2-types-of-communications-in-organizations Distinguish between cybernetic and non-cybernetic control and between pre, concurrent, and post-action control systems. Chapter 17: https://openstax.org/books/principles-management/pages/17-6-employees-responses-to-planning?query=cybernetic&target=%7B%22type%22%3A%22search%22%2C%22index%22%3A0%7D#fs-idm408658576