MNCs cross listed financing

  Choose an MNC (NY Stock Exchange listed) which has gone through international stock market financing or international public debt market financing in the past 5 years, conduct a comprehensive analysis of the decision-making rationale and provide an in-depth discussion about the related financial/business environment.  THE MOST IMPORTANT POINTS INCLUDE IN THE PAPER:  Rationales, impacts … Read more

Week 9 Assignment – Develop and Recommend a Retirement Plan

Overview In this assignment, you will recommend a personal retirement plan for a client that you identify. Support your recommendation to the client by explaining how the plan meets the client’s needs and mitigates risk. In addition to the required page total, include the required appendices. Required appendices may be tables, pie charts, and/or other … Read more

MBA 699 – Module 1

  Overview You are a business development manager in a life sciences organization based in the Midwest. You report to the vice president (VP) of business development. While the organization has shown constant growth and profitability since its inception in 1999, the owners have decided that it is time to sell. The VP has called … Read more

MBA-Please Answer these 2 Questions-Need 1-2 Paragraphs for each Question

 1)There are internal and external users of Accounting information. Please state at least 2 users of accounting information and explain why they need accounting information. If you use a website to find users of accounting information, please be sure to summarize this information and include the website link as your reference. If you utilize the … Read more


Please respond to the following: When setting up a bid, what important steps would you initiate and regard as the most important to assure your bid was competitive? Select a business in your community and provide an example. When evaluating the different forms of fixed-price contracting, determine the single most significant form that you believe … Read more

week 7 financial management discussion

Please respond to the following: Contrast the differences between a stock dividend and a stock split. Imagine that you are a stockholder in a company. Determine whether you would prefer to see the company that you researched declare a 100% stock dividend or declare a two-for-one split. Provide support for your answer with one real-world … Read more