
  Even changes that have been implemented successfully can be subject to ‘initiative decay’ and performance gains are lost. Explain how this happens (provide a relevant current example). Change initiatives can decay for many reasons: initiators move on, accountability becomes diffuse, new recruits bring old habits, new managers have their own agendas, other priorities arise. … Read more


Is humanitarian intervention legal?  Using this week’s class material on the settlement of disputes and use of force, Reflect on the legality of recent states’ practices of humanitarian intervention. What is humanitarian intervention? Can humanitarian intervention be justified? minimun word count 300 word for each question use evidence and cited 


  Choose a current issue in your local neighborhood. This exercise gets you to figure out how you would design a large-scale change intervention program in relation to this issue. Give consideration to the following issues: How many people would it make sense to involve? Where and when would you hold it? How would you … Read more

E-response to UDHR and Hoover (Group D)

UDHR and Hoover Prompts: 1) I’m guessing that many of you have talked about human rights for awhile but haven’t before read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).  Having now read the UDHR, are there any rights in the UDHR that surprised you?  Conversely, were there any rights that you thought/assumed would be in … Read more


  Please answer the following question and comment on the post of at least one of your classmates. Think of the most cohesive group you have ever been in. What factors made the group so close? What are some challenges you see to creating a cohesive group? How does team size affect cohesion?


  Imagine that you are an employee of a large organization about to go through a restructuring. Think about the following issues: What information would you like? From whom would you prefer to get this information? Why? In what format would you prefer to get it: individually, in a group, other? What would be the … Read more

Leadership interview

Each student will be required to interview a leader in their community. They may select a business and industry leader, coach, principal, elected official or spiritual leader. The student must conduct the interview in person or over the telephone. Questions should NOT be e-mailed to the leader as live dialogue is critical to this assignment. … Read more

human resource

A  What are some of the organizational benefits of attracting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce? How can diversity support an organization’s talent management strategy? How can multiculturalism support an organization’s talent management strategy? What policies would you develop as an HRM to ensure your organization achieves these benefits? Use the articles and resources provided … Read more

M2 app assig.

600 word requirement  Technology has obviously impacted today’s organizations. It has influenced the way in which people work and even the physical place in which people work.  Discuss various ways in which technology has changed your respective professional position and/or career. The assignment should include: Summary of your current professional position and/or career. Analysis of … Read more