DP 5-1

High contact sports, teenage brain development, and concussions has been a topic that has received considerable attention. Review some research on this particular topic. After you have reviewed information, consider the following: If you were a parent, would you allow your child to play a high contact sport? Explain your response supporting your decision with … Read more


  You have been hired to oversee the decentralization of your client’s human resources function in which corporate functions will be relocated to each regional office. Your boss wants you to start the project immediately, but you are insisting that a project charter be established first. Explain to your boss the importance of a project … Read more

dp 4-1

Pick one of the following scenarios: A 4-year-old child constantly refuses to eat the dinner that is provided. A 9-year-old child constantly talks back to authority figures, particularly her parents. A 7-year-old child constantly refuses to get out of bed in the morning and get ready for the day. How would each of the four … Read more

dp 2-1

Discuss some of the controversies involved in infant routines (e.g., scheduled vs. demand feeding, handling sleep problems, breast vs. bottle feeding), and state your opinions on which technique is superior. Locate research that supports your opinion.

dp 1-1

The textbook discusses the different stages of the life cycle. Discuss how difficult it is to determine when each stage begins and ends, using biological, cognitive, and psychosocial criteria. Contrast this discontinuity perspective with the continuity perspective. Which perspective do you favor?


  Discussions: Since the 1960’s we have seen a steady stream of more women entering the workplace. The 2000’s brought more women to senior leadership positions. This shift in the workforce has created challenges and opportunities for all. Increased sexual harassment cases, balancing life and family, and equal wages and job opportunities are just a few … Read more

human resources7

  Discussions:  The days of working on an individual basis in the workplace are over. Positions that are not involved in a team, committee, or work group at some point during the year are extremely rare. Unless formal training is provided for a team, it is common to find dysfunction within a team. Based on … Read more

6-2 Case Study Analysis

For this assignment, first read Man on a Wire: Bart Stupak Walks a Tight Line Between Obamacare & Abortion. Then draft an analysis, from a public administration standpoint, that highlights the major issues addressed in the case study and your conclusions regarding the actions of Congressman Stupak during the Affordable Care Act discussion.

Deliverable 7 – Constructing a Sustainable Energy Plan

Assignment Content Competencies Describe the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and how they interact. Analyze the root causes, effects, and solutions of environmental problems. Determine how the environment and economies are interconnected. Analyze the importance of water and soil in the production and distribution of food. Evaluate the relationship between energy use, waste, and pollution and … Read more