
1>>The assignment will be assessed using the following criteria: Does the submission include the file “”? Does the file include a public class called “SuperPower”? Does the class include a public method called “main”? Is the “main” method static? Does the main method have a String assignment statement that uses “JOptionPane.showInputDialog”? Does the main method … Read more


Explain what is meant by the syntax and the semantics of a programming language. Give Java examples to illustrate the difference between a syntax error and a semantics error. Use different examples than those found in the textbook.  Your Discussion should be at least 250 words in length, but not more than 750 words.


OOP based GUI project to create a program in java or c# in visual studio 2022 * When the program begins, open a reasonably sized, appropriately titled window. * The window should contain at least 3 working buttons, more if appropriate. Examples: Start/Go button o Help/Information * Credit – listing of programmers * The program … Read more

java coding

A Fighter/Mage is one of the stronger multi-classes at the end of Baldur’s Gate 2, the seminal role-playing video game (cRPG) developed by BioWare. For character creation of a Fighter/Mage, the highest dice rolls should be allocated to strength (STR), intelligence (INT), dexterity (DEX), and constitution (CON) – in that order – and the lower … Read more

java splay tree program

 In addition to requiring you to get splay trees to work, I also want you to learn some basic things about Java Strings, so you will build trees of Strings instead of int’s. For example, you will need to use compareTo (or compareToIgnoreCase – we will need to discuss which) to compare two Strings. Add … Read more

Programming Java

Question 1: Write a program that asks the user for a positive nonzero integer value. The program should use a loop (while loop) to get the sum of all the integers from 1 up to the number entered. For examples, if the user enters 50, the loop will find the sum of 1,2,3,4,….50. Hint: You … Read more

Java code program

  Program Specifications Write a SelfPayKiosk class to support basic operations such as scan item, cancel transaction, checkout, and make payment. is provided with method stubs. Follow each step to gradually complete all methods. Note: This program is designed for incremental development. Complete each step and submit for grading before starting the next step. … Read more

JAVA Magic Square Problem

Recall that a magic square is a 2-dimensional square array with n rows and n columns where each row, col, and diagonal add up to the same value. The value that every row, column, and diagonal adds up to is called the magic sum. For example, here is a magic square for the case n … Read more

Guessing game

  The programming assignment for the final week, due on the final day of the course, if not before, has been modified in an attempt to allow for more creativity in the coding process.  An outline of the new assignment will follow as I do not have the ability to modify the template of the … Read more


  Write a program to create a class called ShapeObject and this class contains the below, 1) String data field to called “Color” 2) Default constructor (no-arg) to create an object with “RED” color by default 3) An argument constructor to create the object with specified color.  4) A method names toString() that returns the … Read more