Learning and knowing

Did you ever use chunking or mnemonic devices as a child to learn something? how effective were these technique? would the techniques you used as a child be effective now as an adult? Are there other techniques you have used as an adult to help you learn or remember something? Are there key differences in … Read more

Learning and Knowing

1. Read about the case of Henry Molaison (HM) online. 2. What does HM’s case of amnesia say about human memory? 3. How do cases like HM help researchers understand learning and cognitio? 4. provide both personal examples and research citations to support your answer. 

Week 4 discussion

Part A Business consultants like Stanley Hermon use the ideas of Chinese religions to equip companies for more effective results (1).  Can concepts like the Dao, Qi, Feng Shui, Yin/Yang and Wu Wei be useful in the business world? Why or why not? Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Responses … Read more

Cooperative Learning

 Respond to Questions: Based on Cooperative Learning Reading by Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec (1994).  Respond to the following: Why use cooperative learning? What is the difference between formal cooperative learning and informal? What are the 5 essential elements of cooperative learning? Discuss what each means in your own words and why it is important. What … Read more

8310 MD2 Dis 1

The language of qualitative research can be confusing. The words sound like regular English, but they have very particular meanings. To make the language even more complicated, the definitions can vary across different qualitative methodological scholars. For the purpose of this course, distinctions between two important concepts should be considered: 1. Theoretical framework: the use … Read more

Integration of Faith and Learning: Character Assignment

Overview MBA programs around the country are starting to require their students to become more effective writers. This is in response to industry’s urging for grad schools to improve the writing skills of graduate students. Writing at the MBA level should be informative, colorful, and nuanced, and the writing should include simple words vs. complicated … Read more


Evaluate the evidence that some children experience difficulties when learning, and discuss this in relation to two different developmental disorders (e.g., ADHD, Reading Disorder). 


Hello, Can you help the fix the errors that I have in my lesson plan and in my reflection ( linked below). When you open the links, you can see the notes about what I have to. fix missing parts no gramma. https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:bbb2378d-6cc0-48c6-965b-51d8cd6b8a0f https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:93951c7f-0431-4d57-adec-03dbdcd98db5