Case 23-Hardship IA

Imagine that you are an international assignee being sent abroad by a US owned MNE for a 1-year assignment.  The country to which you are being assigned has temperatures that regularly drop below zero. There are days when it is literally unsafe to go outside because it is so cold. Submit your answers to these … Read more

Case 22-Pulp Fiction

Click here to watch clips from “Pulp Fiction” (Links to an external site.) Discussion Questions:  Do you believe that you could successfully diffuse an armed robbery? Why or why not based on the following:  Your past accomplishments/experiences  Vicarious experiences  Available resources  Why is Jules confident that he can successfully diffuse this life or death situation based on the following:  Past … Read more

Case 21-Malawi

Read: Case 21-Malawi  You are responsible for designing a training program for using a new software to track sales in Malawi. Read the case study then answer the discussion questions.  Submit your answers to these questions as a file (DOC) attachment below: What does the training look like? Who will deliver the training? How will it be … Read more

Corporate & Management theory

Before we begin talking about Mergers & Acquisitions, please respond to the following; 1. What 2 companies do you believe would be a good match for a merger or an acquisition? Why? 2. What 2 companies do you believe would not be a good match for a merger or an acquisition?  Why?  Corporate Finance Discussion … Read more

Case 17-Boiler Room

Submit your answers to these questions as a file (DOC) attachment below: What does Jim suggest is the best thing about this job?  In what way(s) is Jim an effective recruiter?  Would this method of recruitment be as effective if J.T. Marlin was considering opening a branch in Japan? Why or why not?  Would this … Read more

servant leadership

  Servant leadership is a type of leadership style and philosophy where an individual interacts with others to achieve authority rather than power (Kenton, 2021).  When a mentorship using servant leadership helps improve skills and is very supportive. This can also be true with a public health professional. With the use of servant leadership to find … Read more


Purpose of Assessment  Develop specific strategies with supporting tactics to implement positive change within an organization. You may refer to the information that you prepared in Week 5 to complete this assignment, but your submission should add to your prior research and not just copy your Week 5 assignment. Scenario:  You’ve been hired as a … Read more


To prepare for the Week 6 Assessment, choose a well-known corporation, such as Samsung, Starbucks, Ford Motor Company, or Waste Management, that implemented a major change. Analyze the corporation’s change process based on Kotter’s 8-Step to Change using the Organizational Change Chart. Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model Step One: Create Urgency. Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition. … Read more


Purpose of Assessment In this assignment, you analyze the organization you assessed in Week 2 and apply leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to the organization’s mission and values. You will be measured on how you justify your assessment of the leadership approach. Write a 700 word paper for your Leadership Styles Rationale. … Read more

Case 11-Gung Ho

Submit your answers to these questions as a file (DOC) attachment below: 1 What are some key differences between the expectations of Assan Motors management the expectations of the workers?  2 Compare the management styles of Hunt, Kaz, and Saito. Give specific examples. Whose style would you most closely follow if you were managing this factory? … Read more