CRM paper

Develop a CRM plan of the company of your choosing. Content: Introduction General information of the company and its environment      Type of business      Location & overall market information      Competitive scenario      Description of the product and services they provide      Description of the customers and services interaction Develop CRM plan considering the different areas of the company. … Read more

MAN3554 D4.1: Discussion 4.1 – Choosing the Right Insurance Options Menu: Forum

  See the links below. The Thai floods are discussed along with the resulting disruptions to the supply chain. Review this information and do a bit of research on the Internet. Then, List the risks what the companies in Thailand experienced, List the risks what companies outside Thailand experienced, and State which which insurance policy(ies) might … Read more

MAN3554 ( D2.1: Discussion 2.1 – Enablers Options Menu: Forum)

  Read ( Minter, S. (2009). Managing Supplier Information in a Dynamic Environment. Industry Week/IW, 258(10), 22.), and answer the following questions: In the article it mentions that buyers and suppliers need more insight into trade compliance. What examples can you give that illustrate the benefits and/or challenges with having or not having this insight? … Read more

spotify case analysis

  1. Introduction – summarize what the assignment is about and what the reader should expect to learn from the work you have accomplished 2. Company profile Name Background (describe what the company does and offers) Industry (as defined by the case) Revenue/Profitability (last 5 years) Company size (e.g., number of employees or sales) 3. … Read more


1.  Have the  site supervisor assign a position for which you will perform a job analysis by interviewing the appropriate personnel and writing a performance-based job description.(This means it must include measurable criteria against which the employee would be compared to for his/her performance appraisal).This assignment must also be completed without referencing any existing job … Read more