
  You are a business development manager reporting to the vice president (VP) of business development at one of the largest life sciences organizations in the Midwest. You are working with the strategic planning team to assess the current data to make recommendations to its board of directors regarding the organization’s exit strategy. You have … Read more

Integrated marketing commun.

5. Integrated Communication Strategies: a. Detail what specific media strategy you are using to reach your audience: i.e. Rifle strategy, shotgun etc. b. Rationalize in a couple point why  (The topic is Fresh Burrito restaurant. I add some information about restaurant to answer this 2 questions Need to be done tomorow 10 am. Please

International Marketing

 Discussion board Answer the questions Consider the International Marketing Communication process and how an organization with little MARCOM experience in a foreign country might mitigate potential communication errors? Consider the elements of a Canadian communications message for a Canadian product – music, imagery, talent, words, format. What encoding might take place to delivery that message … Read more