
The government has provided a grant for powering a mini grid covering 10 homes whose daily energy is 15 units per month per house. The mini-grid is in a place with very good wind speed of average 7m/s. XYZ board for which you are the employee in charge of project development has approved that it … Read more

1 page in 3 HOURS

   Response must be financial and NOT politically focused   1 page double space, be meager with your words while providing important and crucial details – no rambling.  watch two videos and answer the question. Define the following terms and explain why they were important during the housing and credit crisis of 2007–2009.  … Read more

market plan

  this is the companey I want to do my market plan called Zamil Industrial in Saudi Arabia  the plan should include the following  The final marketing plan should include: An appropriate title page A table of contents An Executive Summary (summarizes the entire plan and written last) A Company Background section A Situational … Read more

Provide an overview of the presentation purpose and its context to the target audience in the introduction slide.

 Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 12–18 slides including: A title slide. An agenda slide. An introduction slide. Body content slides. Conclusion slide. A sources slide. All slides count toward the required length. Start with your slide deck from the Week 5 assignment. Incorporate feedback you received from the professor and expand the presentation for this … Read more


You are working on a team and a co-worker assigns a task to you using Outlook. How would you feel? Would this impact your task performance? How do you effectively work on a team and make sure all members are part of the communication process? Provide examples. Post and reply to at least two other student posts.

Unit VI

Instructions Marketing Plan: Part III  In this unit, you will continue to build upon your marketing plan for an existing company and a product or service of your choice. For Part III, make certain to include the sections listed below in your marketing plan.


  Were Deadly COVID-19 Outbreaks aboard Carnival Cruise Ships the Result of Managers’ Resistance to Change? (page 452) This case examines the COVID-19 outbreaks that occurred aboard Carnival cruise ships in the spring of 2020. By the end of April, the outbreaks had resulted in more than 1,500 positive cases of the virus and at … Read more


  Sometimes it’s easy to figure out what’s going to motivate workers. But at other times it’s nearly impossible to know what would make someone want to persevere in a particular job. During the COVID-19 pandemic, health care workers across the globe stepped up and sacrificed themselves—in ways that the rest of us may never … Read more


 Choose a business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B) company that uses target marketing.  Briefly introduce the company you have chosen. Gather examples of the company’s activities and products that support its business model. Explain each of the bases for segmenting consumer markets and business markets. For the company you chose, describe which base is used (i.e., … Read more

Discussion post 2 we 4

Read classmates post and respond with 100 words: We must understand the the guidelines before coding. Radiology guidlines consits of Professional, Technical, and Global. Radiology is used to diagnose and treat patients. Technical is used for diagnostic imaging examinationsand administering radiation theraphy treatments. Last but not lease is Global and global is reported with a … Read more