Family Purchase Decisions – Buyer and Consumer Behavior

 Using the topic Resources, discuss the factors that drive family purchase decisions. Explain why this information is important to marketers and discuss how they use it when marketing products. Illustrate your ideas with specific reasons, facts, and examples. In replies to peers, indicate whether you agree or disagree with their assessment and justify your response … Read more

Market research

Individual Assignment #1 Scenario: Imagine you are an international business researcher. You have been hired by a Canadian business which is considering expanding internationally. They have narrowed the choice down to a few key markets and have asked that you provide some insight as to which market they should choose for their expansion. You should … Read more

Applied Managerial Marketing

  , write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. (2-3 references) This morning, walking into the office, you greet Michelle who says, “I’d like to meet … Read more

business social media marketing

Blog: E-Commerce Electronic Commerce Assignment: The chapter discusses three different modes of e-commerce: Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C), and Business-to-Business (B2B). Identify five different companies that provide Business-to-Consumer (B2C). Explain what each company provides (their good or service). Identify five different companies that provide Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C). Explain what each company provides (their good or service).  Identify … Read more

business marketing

BUSN 2150 Extra Credit Opportunity Throughout this course you have learned many new techniques for using Microsoft Outlook to its fullest potential. Now you have an opportunity to share what you have learned with others.  To earn extra credit you will use your skills to teach others how to perform some of the skills you … Read more

business social media

Web Scavenger Hunt Answer each question and provide the URL for each of the web sites you use. EXAMPLE: Who was the 22nd President of the United States of America?  Grover Cleveland 1.  Who is Tim Berners-Lee? 2.  Online file sharing site.  3.  Two cloud application sites. 4.  Video conferencing for free.  5.  Locate … Read more


New App created in Spain.   Sales Forecast (1-5 years) and market penetration – You will need to make some high-level assumptions. This is intended to be directional rather than deep financial analysis.  – Research comparable apps/websites  – References  A summary in two pages in a word doc and 5-7 slides in PowerPoint. 


 Explain market segmentation; provide an example of a product that has been segmented. How does product segmentation impact the product life cycle? Next, using the same concepts behind market segmentation, discuss the differences between geographic, demographic, behavioral and psychographic segmentation. Include an explanation about why segmenting markets is a smart strategic move.    Week 6.2 … Read more

Positioning Strategy

  Read the rubric below to develop a scope of work. Referring to the week 4 Marketing Mix assignment, develop a plan to leverage your marketing mix to create a positioning strategy for your product/service. Include the FMOT and SMOT you want your customer to experience. Next, explain, in a graphic how you will leverage … Read more