home work help

 For the Unit paper , explain the learner-guided approach to training and its effectiveness in meeting organizational training needs. Within your paper, address the points below. Describe training guides, self-directed learning strategies, and the use of smart technology. Describe two to three methods for organizations to harness the use of self-directed training. Why is this … Read more

applied operations management

Case Study: Tractonomy Robotics Tractonomy is a robotics startup currently located in Kortrijk, Belgium and relocating soon to Ghent, Belgium (tractonomy.com). Tractonomy develops complete autonomous towing robot (ATR) solutions capable of moving materials anywhere from 100kg to 1000kg loaded on carts.  The company develop fleets of quick and efficient cart tuggers that are managed by … Read more

Discussion 5

 Reviewing Personality Traits  Please complete the following: This week, we learn how tests can reveal which jobs people are best suited for so that you can help your team reach its full potential. You learn about the different types of assessments and determine how they can be used when selecting people to be part of … Read more

Wk 6 log

  Develop a Video Presentation Briefing Research crowd logistics and create, a 2-3 minute professional video briefly outlining what crowd logistics is and how it would work, then considering what we learned in this module about customer service, outline any issues (both good and bad) that crowdsourcing of logistics may cause. Make sure the briefing … Read more


   The assessment for this module comprises of: Individual 4,000 word report (100%) submitted electronically via Turnitin by 1pm on 3rd May 2022. In accordance with the University’s Digital Assessment Policy and Online Similarity Checking Policy all standard academic summative submissions of coursework, i.e. those that are primarily text-based and contribute towards a final named … Read more

Discussion 2

Part A  Please respond to the following: Choose two service companies with which you are familiar, such as Facebook, Amazon, and UPS. Apply Hill’s Strategy Development Framework to them. For each company you chose, compare and contrast each sector of the framework and determine which key areas provides a competitive advantage. Provide at least two examples to … Read more