Unit 10 discussion

  Topic: Anxiety and Depression Common mental health problems such as depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder, and social phobia may affect up to 15% of the population at any one time. The severity of symptoms experienced will vary considerably, but all of these conditions can be associated with … Read more

unit 3 assignment

   ● Case: AA – Hypertension Stage 2, and Overweight Scenario Description: Ms. A presents with complaints of headache and general fatigue. She also reports that she has had periodic nosebleeds. She reported that she has been taking many medications for her hypertension in the past, but stopped taking them because of the side effects. … Read more

week 3 research

Topic: Money Laundering Write a 8-10 page paper, DOUBLE SPACED, 12-FONT TIMES ROMAN paper with references and sources cited in APA format.  Your cover sheet and your source citing/references are NOT included in the eight page minimum. Your grade will depend upon the presentation of your analysis and research, the quality of the work presented – whether you give a detailed presentation … Read more

Guessing game

  The programming assignment for the final week, due on the final day of the course, if not before, has been modified in an attempt to allow for more creativity in the coding process.  An outline of the new assignment will follow as I do not have the ability to modify the template of the … Read more

unit 3

The focus of this Seminar will be to discuss physical assessment of the respiratory system.  YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g08eRL6t2S8 Case Study: Respiratory A 30-year-old woman comes to your office because of a persistent cough that has been bothering her for the past 3 months. Her cough is dry and is more frequent during the evenings. She … Read more

week 2 journal

 All questions are worth 20 points: 1) Why was prohibition considered to be a patriotic act? 2) Discuss the impact of Prohibition on organized crime. 3) What was the President’s Commission on Organized Crime? What did the Commission reveal about organized crime? 4) What are the responsibilities assigned to each of the ranks of the … Read more

week 1 journal

All questions are worth 20 points: How would you define organized crime?  What distinguishes it from disorganized crime? How does the United States’ definition of organized crime and those of other countries differ?  How are they alike? What do you believe was the impetus for the evolution of organized crime in the United States?  What … Read more

Unit 9 DQ

  Topic: Helping and Healing Relationships Consider the various steps of the nursing process in order to address the following critical thinking questions. As a healthcare provider, discuss ways in which you will establish a helping hand and healing relationship with your patient and their families. How will you develop professional partnerships with health care … Read more

competitive analysis

3-5 page for tesla Use a framework of your choice (for example, Porter’s Five Forces of Competition from the textbook) to perform a competitive analysis of the company’s industry. Support your response. Select at least two innovative and technology trends that the company or its competitors introduced. Next, examine the feasibility and expected market impact … Read more