english post

I am going to be asking you to create plot diagrams for each of the stories that we have read in this unit.  Please go back to the Section 1 pdf on Plot and look carefully over the diagram of Freytag’s Plot Structure.  Once you have done so, I would like you to identify the … Read more


 Instructions Review the following list of innovative solutions to global health challenges. Select one and explain what it is, why it was created, what problem it solves, and how it impacts international healthcare.  VanishPoint Retractable Syringes GRIT Leveraged Freedom Chair Nutriset (Plumpy’nut) Miriam Bridges Cancer Detection Embrace Infant Warmers D-Rev’s Brilliance FRE02


International healthcare often intertwines with human rights issues. One of these issues concerns child brides. Throughout the world, the problem of early, forced marriage of children is considered to be a violation of basic human rights. Most of the continuation of marrying girls off early (between the ages of 7 and 16), often to much … Read more


 focus on the Medical Equipment Manufacturing Industry  The report should include the following section: General environmental conditions: Discuss the influence of key factors (use the PESTEL framework) Focus on the Medical Equipment Manufacturing Industry.  (Use the PESTEL framework) Identify the factors that most significantly impact the industry and not on the company you are studying. … Read more


Purpose According to the conflict perspective, social institutions promote social inequality and the status quo for the benefit of certain populations and conversely, for the disadvantage of others. Demographic trends refer to patterns of change that pertain to populations within society which may reflect systems of inequality perpetuated by social institutions.  Task For this discusssion … Read more


  Chou and Wang have led HTC transformation from a small player to a top five producer of smart phones. What strategic actions would move HTC into the top three? Specifically: a. How can HTC differentiate its products as more handset manufacturers enter the Android market?

Diet and Nutrition

  Lorenzo is 5 months old, and his mother breast-feeds him exclusively. He weighed 7 lb, 4 oz when he was born and now weighs 12 lb, 8 oz. He eats about every 3 hours during the day but only wakes up once during the night to feed. His pediatrician is very happy with his … Read more

discussion post

I am going to be asking you to create plot diagrams for each of the stories that we have read in this unit.  Please go back to the Section 1 pdf on Plot and look carefully over the diagram of Freytag’s Plot Structure.  Once you have done so, I would like you to identify the … Read more


 talk about your impressions of Jazz Dance History.  Because Jazz is vernacular to American History the roots of jazz are embedded in our countries history, social norms and popular culture.  I’m curious as to what kind of resonance the roots of jazz still have today for the issues which shaped its emergence ? What exactly … Read more

BUS 411 Unit 2 DB: Port City Brewing

 For your discussion question this week, I would like you to review the following video that talks about Port City Brewing and their early success in the Craft Brewing Industry.   After reviewing the video, please answer the following: Describe the general environment and industry environment in the craft beer market. Discuss the set of factors … Read more