Lesson 2 Discussion 2

When you have looked through the pdf Download pdffrom the Michigan Department of Education, choose one or two ideas to share with your peers in the discussion area. Talk about why you chose it, how you might use it, and how you might assess it in your class. Download pdffrom the Michigan Department of Education, choose one or two ideas to … Read more


watch the film BURT’S BUZZ  Questions to consider while you are watching the movie: What motivated Burt to become an entrepreneur? What was Burt’s relationship with Roxanne? How did it change over the years? What made the business successful? How could Burt have better protected himself? In the end, would you say Burt was successful? … Read more

Lesson 3 Discussion 1

 Revisit the work you did with Marzano’s Six Steps to Vocabulary Instruction. Post the steps you completed for the effective reading strategy term. Include a discussion of how you would implement steps 5 and 6 in your classroom. Explain your ideas for getting students to discuss the words with each other, and give a brief … Read more

Lesson 2 Discussion 1

In a paragraph, explain the relationship between visualizing and connecting as reading strategies. How are they similar? How are they different? Give one example of how you might use either strategy or both in your classroom


For this post, select one panel or small piece of Diego Rivera’s “Detroit Industry murals and complete your own contextual analysis or it. First scan the submissions that are already in this assignment from your workgroup to make sure you aren’t duplicating the identical area…part of the fun in learning about art is in DISCOVERING … Read more


Landmark Article Research Innovation and Change As you go over this week’s AVPs and materials, think of how the rate of innovation can change organizations as well.  In addition to opportunities, what other types of changes can innovation spark?  For your seminal articles this week, try to locate something on the management of innovation or … Read more


Landmark Article Research As you go over this week’s module, consider the following topics / theories / authors: Challenges in management education Contributors to Management Theory and Practice: Rosemary Stewart John Kotter Harold Koontz Thomas Peters Robert Waterman Peter Drucker Concepts: Corporate Governance Agency Issues Strategic Management Markets Hierarchies Different views of the firm (e.g. … Read more


Landmark Article Research Early Research On Scientific Management Here are some topics and authors that wrote about early scientific management for you to do the research on seminal works: Scientific management (Taylor, Wilson, Wren) Improved incentives (Howne, Hasley) Task management systems Functional Foremen Eastern Rate Case Watertown and the congressional investigation The Four Basic Principles … Read more


Landmark Article Research: Here are some topics and (authors) that you can use as you begin to research your seminal work.  Please keep in mind that a seminal work is one that is considered to have begun a stream of research, so try to locate the oldest one on the topic that you can.  You … Read more


 Watch the film Jobs,  questions to consider while you are watching the movie: What was Jobs’ motivation to start the business? How did Jobs’ personality affect his ability to start the business? How did it hurt? What did Jobs do that IBM missed in the early days of establishing Apple? How did the competition react … Read more