Discussion week 1 main

Explain three important points about the format of the ICD-10-CM coding manual. All initial responses to the DQs require at least one reference. Reminder: Use your own words when writing your post. The reference at the bottom of your post should appear as follows: ReferenceCarol J. Buck, Saunders. Step-by-Step Medical Coding, by Carol J. Buck, Saunders

Project charter

   1. Different organizations use different formats for defining a project’s charter. Search the web and contrast at least four different templates (copy the templates to your Word file, including the reference links). What is similar? What is unique? What do you think are the most important elements in a project’s charter? 2. Using the … Read more

Discussion 4 response 3

Read classmates post and respond in 50 words;  Three types of radiology guidelines are professional, technical, and global. Professional is the services of the physician and includes supervision, interpretation, or written reports. In this case the claim would only include the professional portion. Technical is the service of the technologist, use of all equipment or … Read more