PSY 245

Take some time to think about and explore the relationship between Erikson’s psychosocial theory and parenting skills. Erikson thought a child’s sense of trust was the cornerstone of all future personality development. Thus, the interactions between caregivers and the infant are extremely important.   Which aspects of parenting lead to this sense of trust? Parental … Read more


 Cemeteries are full of history.  Have you ever taken a stroll through a cemetery?  If you have, you would see the headstones all tell a story.  They may or may not offer us a name, a birthdate, a death date, an inscription, something indicating their career, and even relationships.  For instance, during different time periods, … Read more

Ch 8 Investigate Development Case: Bullying

  MAKE A DECISION: Do you think Emily should enroll in a different middle school? Yes No Why? Give reasons for why you chose the way you did. Consider the following factors in your reasons: Characteristics of children victimized by bullies Relationship between bullying victimization and academic performance Relationship between bullying victimization and mental health


   . Discuss the idealism of French landscape painting by Nicolas Poussin and Claude Lorrain during the Baroque period and compare two of their paintings. Discuss the similarities and differences in their work. 

Discussion #2: Think Like a Scientist: Choose a research question of personal interest within the field of psychology

As scientists, psychologists are expected to help expand the current knowledge base.  For this post, you are being asked to think like a scientist. Choose a research question of personal interest within the field of psychology. Describe the research question and design a research project to collect data that would help answer this question.  Identify … Read more


 Reflect on the last five years of your life and choose one or two moments when you had a critical decision to make. Determine its ethical elements, and in looking back at your eventual decision, analyze which ethical perspective it is closest to and explain why you chose that perspective.

power point

For this last assignment you will consider your dream job as a PMHNP based on what you have learned about the role.  What Specific Age Group or Population you would like to treat. Choose one age group or population that is of the most interest to you to treat as a PMHNP in practice. Discuss … Read more