Nursing class assignment design/approach

This is assignment for my psych NP class. the following must be done, an attached document with an TWO exampleS is available in order to understand the assigment.  MUST BE APA STYLE ONE PAGE AT LEAST ONE PEER REVIEW REFERENCE 5 YEARS OLD NOT OLDER. I must Select one research design/approach descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental, review, … Read more


Suppose 36 participants complete an experiment where ads are presented subliminally during a task (e.g. Coke ads are flashed at very fast rates during movie ads). Participants are then given a recognition test of images of the ads, where two images are presented and participants must choose which of the two was presented earlier. Both … Read more

Case Study Design and Analysis

Evaluating case studies is a common way to demonstrate concepts and terms used in courses. A usual assignment would ask you to read a case study and evaluate the situation based on what you learned from your course and text readings. However, for this assignment, each week you will identify the main concepts and terms … Read more