week 5

Psychological Tests Find a psychological test to review. Use resources such as the  Online Library, the Internet, and printed journals and reports to research various psychological tests. Select the psychological testing area that interests you and relates to your choice of future profession. Create a 3- to 4-page r eport in a Microsoft Word document … Read more

Role of Tests

Imagine that you are the new principal of a new private elementary school that caters to gifted and talented children. Your task is to write a letter to the parents of the children, explaining the role psychological tests will play in their child’s education this year. Write a draft of your letter, beginning Dear Parent, … Read more

6051 WK5 Assgn 2

Journal: A Global Perspective Asking clients how they view themselves—in terms of ethnicity, race, national origin, and other dimensions of diversity—is a culturally humble and appropriate act. So, too, is learning more about a given population through research. Evidence-based social work, as you recall, involves surveying the literature for the best available information on a … Read more

“Using Research to Support your Claims” Activity

  Sometimes articles appear on popular media outlets, which make claims based on scientific study findings. This is important for making research accessible and informing the public, but sometimes these articles make some critical oversights or might oversimplify the study findings. This can convince people into believing information that may not be entirely true, or … Read more

Chapter 5 Discussion

Anxiety Disorders Using Medications to Minimize the Psychological Impact of Trauma: Is this a Good Thing? Roger Pitman and colleagues have been investigating the efficacy of several medications as a means to minimize the lasting impact of traumatic events. Such medications, delivered shortly after the trauma, appear to minimize the likelihood of subsequent PTSD symptoms. … Read more

discussion 1

Answer each question in 150 words each USING THE SOURCES PROVIDED 1. The scientific method typically provides structure to the way things are studied. However, because humans and our minds are so complex, is the scientific method a limitation to our psychological findings because it is such a precise approach to an unpredictable process? 2. … Read more

Article Review



 Your post should be no longer than 2-3 paragraphs and should show your understanding of the week’s readings and lectures. Simply posting your opinion will not guarantee you any points for the week. You must be able to make intelligent connections between the discussion question topic and course content. Your response should reference relevant concepts, theories, and/or … Read more

week 4

Interpret and compare the performances of students in a test of basic skills. Question 1: A test has a mean of 30 and a standard deviation of five. Jackie has scored in the 57th percentile. Ethan has a T score of 70. Lan has obtained a z score of –0.2. Salvatore has received a raw … Read more