human resource

You work for an organization that has an old policy prohibiting the use of temporary agencies for staffing because of a previous bad experience. Now, a department manager emails asking to use a temporary staffing agency to hire into hard-to-fill positions and save time in recruiting. Because it is an old policy, you are willing … Read more


 Please respond to the following: On the website, the Department of Health and Human Services identified the need to minimize cyberbullying among teenagers. One recommendation described the importance of garnering local community support from schools, churches, and public or private agencies. Imagine the local Health Department has started a program called “Don’t Be Cruel” to … Read more


1. What resources need to put in place to ensure that your change project is sustainable at the facility after you leave? Who will you leave in charge of the change after you leave and why? What information will you provide?   2. You should be educating the staff at your facility regarding your change project. … Read more

HRMT485 unit 4IP

This course is the capstone to CTU’s BSBA HR concentration. Using what you have learned in the program as well as the resources provided, this assignment will seek to assess your knowledge by asking questions that a HR professional may face working in the global environment. Using the resources and CTU Library, please answer the … Read more

HRMT485 unit 3DB

300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.  For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: A structured performance management system is an important part of a … Read more

Annotated bibliography

  Topic–  Any topic from Human Resource Management Directions- You should research two peer-reviewed articles. You are to complete two annotated bibliographies. Your AB’s should be a minimum of ¾ page long not including the bibliography. Your submission should be double-spaced, and you should use Times New Roman 12 font. For your AB, you must … Read more


Organizations must abide by federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Breaking the law may have consequences such as fines, lawsuits, and even shutdown of corporate facilities. To maintain compliance, organizations develop policies that guide the ethical behavior of employees. In order to explore the differences between laws and policies, please discuss the following: Describe … Read more