DQ Responses Oct 30

Q. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion, also by discuss any differences you may see. Note: 250 words with intext citations and references needed. Business architecture defines an organization’s capabilities in a structured way. It identifies all kinds of resources a business possesses, such as personnel, infrastructure, and business, them comes up … Read more

50-100 Word Discussion response

 Question: Discuss the political systems of Athens and Sparta. Why was there such a wide difference between the two city-states? How did the treatment of women differ between Athens and Sparta? Which do you believe gave their citizens more freedom and participation in government  Answer:  Good evening class, Both Athens and Sparta had very different … Read more

Week 8 holocaust response

  All students are required to respond to other student posts each week The goal here is to ENGAGE in respectful dialogue – be supportive of each other, even as you are critical of each other’s ideas.      Gabe:  1) In a single sentence IN YOUR OWN WORDS (IYOW), provide an OVERVIEW of this section. This section … Read more

Response to Marc

Charts charts charts! I loved working with the charts feature. My particular data set wasn’t that large, and in retrospect I think I would’ve chosen some thing that had a bit more data to go with it, but I have enough data at minimum to see the effectiveness of the features that we learned this … Read more

Response to Siobhan

In my prior profession, I was in banking. I worked in Commercial Lending and we used Excel for a lot of different things including customer lists, financial planning, budgeting, etc. I worked with one guy who was a total whiz at Excel and he used to formulate so many different documents for us.  The information … Read more

Discussion 2 – Three Reminders I. Mass and Three Reminders II. Surface – Discussion 2 1

Read the following pages in Towards A New Architecture: (21-42) and resp’ond to one (1) of the following prompts (A, B, C) in 100 – 150 words. (pg,1 starts in PDF. 24) WRI’TING PROMPTS: A. Discuss Corbusier’s description of Mass. Which type of building does he feel is not ‘very beautiful’ and why does he … Read more

Week 4 Discussion AA Response

Post responses to two of your classmates. 2-3 sentences   Allison: The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 is an act that was signed into law on July 30th, 2002 to help protect investors from corporations that are fraudulently reporting their financial records. The SOX Act of 2002 imposed new penalties to those committing fraud and made … Read more